it's vacation again! carnival this time.
sadly, it's almost over though.
school starts again on monday.
so...over carnival:
-my grandma came in (cereal and stuff from jacquie)
-we went to the beach
-i went to see josine and natalie and korally at a different beach
-i baked
-i baked more
-i baked even more
yeah the beach was pretty cool.
but the really fun part was baking.
i made macaroon cookies.
they were acctually really good.
i was quite impressed that i had made them.
i had the feeling of pride that i'm sure you would have if you gave birth to like the president or something. (not bush though.)
i also made peanut butter chocolate swirl bars.
they were good, but they needed to be baked for a bit longer than the recipe called for. and they didn't swirl quite right, but now i know i can make them better next time. they were quite good though, especially if you let them sit for a couple days, as it gives the flavor time to sink in.
i also made ginger cookies.
they were wonderful.
in my opinion at least.
unlike regular ginger cookies, they weren't hard and gross.
they were soft and moist and SO GOOD.
they were acctually better than the dough.
which is rare for a cookie.
and i made bread.
it was the first time i've ever made bread.
i mean, technically cinnamon rolls are bread but they don't really count for me.
i was really nervous about it, because neither one of my parents were there, and it was a 100% whole wheat bread using ALL whole wheat flour, which is supposingly a bad way to make bread because it like won't rise or something, and plus, i had never made bread before.
so it took me, what...three hours for the entire process of baking two loaves?
and they came out quite nice. i think so.
and so do my mom and grandma.
they were quite surprised that i got them to rise after they found out it was all whole wheat flour.
my dad saw them and laughed and was like...why didn't they rise.
but they did. he's just jealous.
and they taste pretty good too.
so considering it was my first time, and i had no guidence, i think i did pretty well.
i can't take all the credit though, cuz as i was baking them, i did ask God to help them.
cuz i thought if they were being made by me, they might need help.
then i made a pound cake.
the pound cake to kick all the other pound cakes butts.
the reason my friends love me. (i'm sure they loved me before they tasted it, but i mean it helped.)
the best pound cake, in my opinion, on the face of the earth.
and i decorated it really pretty too.
which it needed.
because despite how wonderful tasting it is on the inside, how moist and rich and whatever, it is never quite so beautiful on the outside. it acctually looks really bad on the outside. the crust gets all brown and it looks burnt. except for the bottom when you first take it out of the oven, and it's all moist and it has a chewy crust that it nice to eat.
but yeah so i decorated it and in my opinion it looked really good.
sadly, i didn't get a taste of it because i sent it to school with my mom to share with all her teacher friends. she didn't even bring me a piece back. i better get some extra credit or something. i mean supposing some of my teachers got a piece.
and then i made a chocolate cake.
i've made it before, and used the same icing and everything, and in my opinion it looked nicer the first time i made it. ok except before it was iced, because one of the layers was having some issues coming out of the pan. but it was ok this time. and i iced it last night, but the cakes were still a little warm, so the icing was having issues, so i was like screw that and stuck it in the fridge. because i mean it was like midnight. and i was tired.
so then i finished it off this morning. icing it i mean. not eating it.
so it looks ok i think.
i hope.
it had better taste freaking good.
the last time i made it, i had a piece right after i had iced it and i really thought that it tasted horrible. i was really upset.
so then i put it in the fridge overnight and at school the next day, and my friends and i ate a bunch of it, and it tasted really good.
so hopefully it will be that good, if not better, this time.
we'll find out tonight i guess.
and i was about to bake a really good looking cookie bar, but my maid just finished washing all the dishes, so i didn't want to hurt his feelings.
so they will just have to wait.
oh well.
i acctually didn't take pictures of any of those things.
i really should've gotten one of that poudn cake though...cuz it was gorgeous.
and the macaroons and gingercookies.
but especially the pound cake.
the end.
for now.